
Showing posts with the label guitarmaps

Mellow Ballad Guitar Backing Track in Am Guitar Jam Track 184

Mellow Ballad Guitar Backing Track in Am Jam  184. PLEASE READ!! A Tone of work goes into creating these Free Guitar Backing Tracks so if you can throw in my tip jar anything is greatly appreciated! This mellow guitar backing track is a slow ballad backing track in a minor. Backing Track has a standard verse chorus structure and easy chord progressions. Great backing track to improvise a guitar solo or practice your guitar scales. The A minor pentatonic GuitarMaps scale pattern works well for this one. This Guitar Jam Track Ballad is 10:37 minutes long, in the key of A minor. It shows the A minor pentatonic GuitarMaps scale chart. The chord progressions are as follows: Verse: - Am – Dm – G – C – Bm5 - Am Chorus: Am – Dm – G - Em #guitarbackingtrack #backingtrack  #guitarjamtrack  #jamtrack #guitar A lot of work goes into creating these Free Guitar Backing Tracks so if you can throw in my tip jar...

Em Blues Guitar Backing Track Collection 5 Quality Blues Tracks

Em Blues Guitar Backing Track Collection. Contains 5 quality e minor blues backing tracks to jam along with. Over 45 minutes of blues backing music with an E minor scale chart to practice with if needed. So grab your favorite guitar, kick back and have fun playing your favorite blues riffs. Each blues track from this video can be downloaded individually at Track 1 is a nice slow sad blues backing track you can check out here Track 2 is a Slow Pink Floyd Comfortably Numb style blues track Track 3 is a Very Slow Blues Jam has a nice BB King feel to it Track 4 is a Slow R&B Style Blues Track with a nice chord progression Track 5 is a Mellow Blues Jam with a nice ending to it Thanks for watching!! Remember All my backing tracks can be downloaded as MP3 at