Slow Emotional Blues Rock Ballad Guitar Backing Track in A Minor #214

Slow Emotional Blues Rock Ballad Guitar Backing Track
in A Minor #214

Website- Original
guitar backing tracks

This slow blues rock ballad
backing track in A minor has an emotional spacious verse, a heavy chorus and a
nice little break section at 5:48. Has a standard verse and chorus structure, simple
chord progressions, smooth intro and a break section at 5:48. Great backing
track to improvise a guitar solo or practice your guitar scales. This Slow
blues Jam Track is in the key of A minor. It shows the A minor  GuitarMaps scale chart. 10:37 minute long
backing track.
The chord progressions are
as follows:
Verse: Am7 – G – Dm7 – Em7 –
Chorus: Am – G – D5 – E5
Break: Am7 – G – Dm7 – Em7

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#guitarbackingtrack #backingtrack
#guitar #guitarjamtrack  #jamtrack
#guitarbackingtracks #guitarjamtracks
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If you enjoyed this track,
you can download it on my Bandcamp page at:

Bandcamp you can download any track individually or get the Complete Album.
Includes all current backing tracks as well as all future tracks, Great Deal!! Not all my tracks are on
Bandcamp yet, I will be adding all my tracks both old and new, so the Album
only gets bigger in time.

My Bandcamp page offers the
best sound quality on all the tracks in my collection. You can download the
guitar backing tracks in several high quality lossless formats. 

Any support = Subscribe, Like,
Comment, Buy or PayPal tip is truly appreciated!

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© Copyright and Licensing

All my backing tracks &
videos posted on YouTube are my original creations and all copyright and
intellectual property rights belong to GuitarMaps. All tracks are for personal,
private non-commercial use and not to be re-distributed in any way without
permission. To use my backing tracks in any way requires direct permission.
You can use the backing
tracks to post videos of you playing to them on YouTube if permission is asked
& you add a link to my video or  my
YouTube channel.

For the tracks to be used in
any other way, please contact me.

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