Slow Sad Blues Guitar Backing Track in D Minor Slow Rock Jam in Dm

Blues Guitar Backing Track in D Minor Slow Rock Jam in Dm

sad blues guitar backing track in the key of D minor. Mellow blues jam track has
a sad vibe. Jam track has a nice space for practicing solos. You can use the D Minor
guitar scale pattern shown to help improvisation and improvising guitar solos.
Relax and Enjoy

Dm - C - Gm - A
Dm - C - Bb -  A - Gm - Dm - A7

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#backingtrack #guitar #guitarjamtrack 
#jamtrack #guitarbackingtracks #guitarjamtracks
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and Enjoy...   Website:

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Copyright and Licensing

my backing tracks & videos posted on YouTube are my original creations and
all copyright, intellectual property rights and licensing belong to Guitar
Maps. All my tracks are intended for educational purposes only. They may be
used for personal, non-commercial use and not to be re-distributed in any way
without a licensing agreement. To use my backing tracks in any way requires
direct written consent!

commercial use or licensing, contact me direct.

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