Slow Blues Guitar Backing Track in A Minor | BB King Style Blues

Slow Blues Guitar Backing Track in A Minor B.B King Style

. Enjoy a quality backing track for a relaxing jam session. has a wide variety of quality backing tracks for musicians. There is a great selection of guitar backing tracks in many styles. Sure, to find a guitar backing track that fits your needs from blues jam tracks, soul funk backing tracks, mellow grooves, rock, emotional ballads, slow blues jam tracks and more. Backtracks in almost every key from A to G works great for practicing guitar scales, developing guitar riffs or just improvising a guitar solo. Combined with the Guitar Maps scale charts patterns they can help you learn how to improvise a guitar solo in any key. Hope you enjoy the jams and thank you for watching.


Relax and Enjoy...   Website for Downloads:


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© Copyright and Licensing


All my backing tracks & videos posted on YouTube are my original creations and all copyright, intellectual property rights and licensing belong to Guitar Maps and published works with ISRC identifiers. All my tracks are intended for educational purposes only. They may be used for personal, non-commercial use and not to be re-distributed in any way without a licensing agreement. To use my backing tracks in any way requires direct written consent!


You can use my backing tracks to post jam videos of you playing to them on YouTube, all I ask is: You download a legal copy of the track from my Bandcamp page

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